Saturday, June 1, 2013

Here we have the calendar for PartyVember. I do not know if this will show up properly.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Countdown to midnight

Tomorrow marks the first day of Partyvember, a little-known month-long tradition in some western cultures during which participants give praise by devoting a portion of each day to the celebration of language and recreation.

Who hosts these parties? By what rules are celebrators bound? The nature of this holy set of days is still shrouded in mystery, as is its origin.

What we do know is what stories have passed down from angelfire sites, livejournal posts and word-of-mouth. Objects were broken. Things happened. People died. Scholarships were lost.

The goal is relatively incessant partying, as though it were as natural and vital as breathing. Moderation may be key. Hydration is a given. But starting June 1st, all is probably fair game, so long as the event is in the name of celebration of this most revered of times, Partyvember 2013.